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Gas (LPG) and Baj Lubricants

Baj Service Stations occupies a leading position in LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) in Uganda and has been promoting it as an ideal energy alternative in the region for over 5 years. Safe, reliable, clean, efficient and versatile, LPG plays a growing role in meeting Uganda’s energy needs, as a modern energy serving thousands of people in the urban areas.

It is readily available, easily stored and transported, and produces fewer greenhouse gases than any other fossil fuel. In addition, it is better for health and safety than firewood, charcoal or paraffin (kerosene).


Cooking. Our LPG, popularly known as cooking gas, is widely utilized for cooking in homes. It’s commonly used in gas ovens and on cylinder tops, offering efficient and instant temperature control for cooking.

Heating. Our LPG is ideal for heating purposes, including water heating. It’s commonly employed in instantaneous hot water systems and other heating solutions due to its high energy content, ensuring effective and swift heating.

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